
Medzi lánom 316/4 010 04 Hôrky


Phone: +421 908 523 460

We're here to help make your life easier, give us a call or send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

    Billing information


    • ID NUMBER: 47531142
    • TIN:2023930909
    • VAT NUMBER: SK2023930909

    Martin Pallaghy

    Managing director, budgets, management

    + 421 908 523 460

    Ing. Erika Pallaghyová

    Administration, Office manager

    Engineering activities

    +421 915 032 229

    Ing. Tadeáš Hajdúch

    Project Manager

    +421 944 173 348

    Adam Kližan

    Project Manager

    +421 944 150 532

    Dominik Hoferica

    Technical preparation of constructions, budgets, construction manager

    Engineering activities

    +421 950 753 940